Never Settle

2:59:00 PM

Never settle. Your cells are meant to dance. Your heart is meant to melt, your walls tore down and your soul slapped awake. You are destined to experience fire - someone that gives you chills, not Netflix and Chill, not chilling together because of a need for attention.

Wait for the person who you sometimes fight with, have heated debates at 3 AM with, who challenges you to be better, who brings you to your own attention rather than running away from tension.

Never go along with mediocrity, a passionless relationship just because you don’t want to be alone. A relationship bred out of convenience will be conveniently predictable, conveniently safe, conveniently right there rather than rare. There won’t be a risk to get burnt because there will be no fire.

There will also be no satisfaction, no inspiration, no emotions that will spark you to innovate the life you actually want to live.

Wait for that inconvenience, because it will change your life. Wait for a love that will expand your mind and capabilities, that will never let you get away with slacking on your talents or giving up on your dreams.

Wait for a head-over-heels, stupid crazy infatuation, wait for something that plants a fire in your heart, making you reach for more. Wait for someone who looks at you like you’re magic. They won’t be the person who always agrees with you - they will challenge you to change, to grow, to expand in ways that wouldn’t have ever occurred to you before you met them.

When they say they love you, it will be unfiltered, completely unedited, completely raw. There will be no validation, only a sensation of pure admiration. And you’ll never forget the way they smell, the way your heart aches and races when they look at you, or the emotion in their eyes when they tell you that you’re beautiful because you’re sure that they’ve never looked at someone like that before.

You will love each other’s gory bits, you will be in each other’s veins, you will make love each other with more emotion than you’ve ever known. Because your heart will feel completely safe and naked and fervent, all at the same time.

Wait for it, please wait for it. Relationships should never be experienced ordinarily.