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Each choice we make holds tremendous power. Each choice ripples through space and time, creating realities and potentials for the entire fabric of life. It is a choice that determines how we experience life, it is a choice that allows us to change our perspective, and it is a choice that allows us to become more conscious and commune with God within us.

The concept of enemies and allies is a very practical way of harnessing the power of choice. If every choice creates a reality, the question becomes "what reality is my choice making?"

Each choice has a consequence, and that consequence is either one that brings you closer to your divinity, or further from it. When you commit to doing something that expands you, you create a version of yourself that has already completed that task. That version of you in the future guides you through the present until you become one with that version of yourself. The reason commitment is so powerful is that you create allies that are lifting you up, and energetically you are gaining the benefits of your potential actions before ever physically completing them.

As you continue to honor your commitments you gain stronger and stronger allies as the universe knows that when you commit to something it becomes a reality.

Another secret to creating allies is creating timed commitments. In order to create a stable reality and stable ally, you have to have a stable commitment. Committing to meditating is much vaguer than, committing to meditating on gratitude for 11mins a day for 21days. Committing to meditating as a general statement creates essentially no ally, as you can meditate for an infinitely small amount of time and that commitment is completed or an infinitely long amount of time creating an endless loop. When you set up timed commitments you create a very solid version of yourself that is stable and tangible. Without timed commitments, you create an ally that is either weak or in a constant flux, which doesn't really help.

As you create more allies in your life, life becomes much easier. The allies you create will download inspiration to you. They will create the fastest pathway from where you are now to the version of you in the future so long as you honor your commitments to the best of your ability.

Creating allies is about making agreements with yourself. It is about recognizing that although others are around to assist you it is ultimately you that makes the choice of what to do with your life and what you want to create for yourself and the world. Every choice you make is not just about you as an individual, but each choice you make affects the entire web of life around you, whether or not you can consciously see the ripples your choices make. When you create allies and become more of yourself, you bless the world with your gifts and your presence. When you create an ally for yourself you also create an ally for the world, for the world now has access to a more expanded potential and version of itself.

So ask yourself "what can I commit to that will bring me closer to my goals?". Regardless of what your goals are, commitment and creating realistic agreements with yourself are how you get there. Your dreams are allies, waiting for you to commit and take action so that they can become physical and stop being dreams.