Unconventional Old Soul

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Calm, insightful and wise beyond their years, the Old Soul perceives the world with ancient eyes, feels the world with an ancient heart, and comprehends the world with an ancient soul. You find joy in the little things... When you're an old soul you just want happiness. You could be going through the worst days of your life and you would still smile through it all. You understand that everyone has rough times and you'll get through yours. It could be a situation that, to others, completely doesn't make sense but to you, you understand it. You see everyone's point of view and just try to calm things down. You're always trying to keep others happy and lift their spirits. You don't see any point in letting someone be sad when you can help them be happy. Even since you were younger, you could tell you were different. You cared more about things than your friends did and you were more observant. The things that matter to you are not considered normal in society, you care about your friends and their happiness and you care about finding yourself because that's what life's all about. Having an old soul is such amazing thing. You can see the world from a different perspective than everyone else.
  • Old souls have a very romantic view of the world and our relationships, which is great, except when we idealize things too much and become let down by our own expectations. 
  • We have a lot of enigmatic traits. - We have a lot of paradoxical traits. On one hand we value stability, but on the other hand, we also require a lot of freedom in our lives and in our relationships so it can get a bit tricky. If we feel secure with you but also that you give us freedom, we will really thrive. 
  • We’re unconventional. - About our life and standards of living. Which means we will never just accept something, we question everything and investigate things for ourselves. Be prepared for a lot of creative thinking. We’re unconventional in everything except our relationships. - In our personal lives, we’re very old school. If we’re involved with someone in any way, it means we feel a connection that goes beyond the surface level. If we like someone, we really like them and we either get into a relationship where we know that we're putting our time and energy into something that will ultimately pay off or end in a serious commitment… or we're just not going to bother. We’re either 100 percent in, or we’re out.
  • We see the world and our life on a much larger scale. - We’re old school romantics at heart - even our constantly thinking, mind-numbingly introspective minds can’t stop us from believing in ‘the one,’ but we still see breakups and problems as a learning experience and consider our struggles as just a part of our overall journey. Because of that, our philosophical views can impact our relationships and the way we interpret the things that happen in our lives. Our dreams and plans for our lives can at times seem too large for where we’re currently at in our life. Part of seeing the world and our life on a larger scale is that we can often visualize where we’re going to be years from now, and even if something won’t happen for quite awhile, we know we’re taking the steps to get there. To fall in love with an old soul is to fall in love with their dreams, their passion for life. Belittling our desires in life is the fastest way to ruin a romantic connection with us.
  • Don’t underestimate our instincts. - If we say we have a feeling about something, just go with it. Seriously, just shut up and go with it. Just kidding. But our intuition is really never wrong. 
  • Communication is actually the greatest form of intimacy. - Old souls are very cerebral people. Hearing about your history, learning about the way you look at life, and how you understand the world around you based on your past experiences, is exactly what helps us to better connect with the person we’re dating. None of your stories are unimportant. We want to hear it all. Don’t ever think any story is too boring or unimportant. We want to hear it all. For us to really stay in a relationship we need a deep connection with our partner –  something that goes beyond the surface level of lust, attraction, and surface similarities. We need someone who is a freethinker and who has similar philosophical ideas about life.
  • We love old school romance and dates - All the old-fashioned stuff, like calling us - (it’s sad that making phone calls is now considered a dying art) or picking us up for a date. We need our romantic experiences to have a deeper meaning. So yeah, if we get romantically involved with you, it means we won’t stand for communication that’s detached or impersonal. 
  • Our lives consist of always searching for ways to improve things. - We see the potential for humanity and have a lot of faith and expectations so this can sometimes be the cause of a lot of pain and disappointment, but that still won't stop our creative minds from making plans to execute our big goals and dreams. We're always thinking outside the box, for lack of a less cliché term.
  • We need freedom but… - We also need a lot of security from the people we surround ourselves with. If we feel secure with you but also that you give us independence, we will really thrive.
  • We have a lot of conflicting emotions. - At times we need some time alone to reflect but sometimes we'll just need you to get us out of our heads. We’re often conflicted about what we want - it’s very hard to find the balance between our big hearts and our creative, constantly thinking minds.
  • Don’t worry about going overboard with impressing us. - Okay, that doesn't mean not making an effort, it means that it’s the simple things in life we have the most fun with. The easiest way to our heart is just doing things like walking around a city exploring, going on long drives, doing spontaneous, random things and conversations that last long into the night. We value seemingly simplistic gestures over anything else because it’s in those moments where we feel we truly connect with someone.
  • We tend to have an easy-going and carefree nature about us but sometimes it can seem like we don’t care or like significantly hard moments aren’t as hard to us as they are for others. It’s not that we don’t care, or we aren’t impacted on the same levels, but we see each struggle in life as a moment to learn from and make us stronger.
  • Sometimes we’ll prefer hanging out by ourselves to hanging out with you. We need a lot of alone time to reflect and decompress from whatever’s going on in our lives, and we just need the person we’re dating to understand that, rather than feel rejected or upset.
  • We don’t really have a lot of friends. Tons and tons of acquaintances, yes, definitely, but we can probably only count our number of friends on one hand. An old soul is always a bit of a loner through life. We feel like we just don’t fit in with the rest of the world and our self-awareness about ourselves can sometimes inhibit us from making other friendships.
  • We have a tendency to be overthinkers. We’re highly analytical and we’re always noticing the things other people seem to skip over. Sometimes this causes our brains to go into overdrive. This is great when you want to get the scoop on a situation or person, but because of our analytical nature, it can sometimes be kind of annoying when we’re in a state of overthinking something.
  • The person we date needs to have their own desires and dreams of their own. Old souls are looking for the kind of person who thinks for themselves and are fearless in the way they make their decisions and live their life. They have to have their own innate desire to better themselves and not just follow a path someone else has paved or told them to go down.
Our lives couldn’t be further from conventional. - We hate the concept of how things “should be.” We couldn’t live a “normal” life if we tried. We have no desire to follow the pre-determined form which means we will never just accept something, we question everything and investigate things for ourselves. In our careers, we see right through existing structures and methods, and all the ways they’re terribly inept and unnecessary. It’s our intolerance of how things are “suppose to be” that has sparked us to innovate the lives we actually want to live.